
How the Christmas season can ruin (or boost) your career


The 2022 Christmas season is already in swing and companies and organizations are already organizing parties at work for this important period on the calendar.

How to work Christmas party can boost your career prospects

If you’re employed and your company organizes such an event, you’re most certainly obliged to have the courtesy to attend. If you’re not employed (or are self-employed), there’s still some chance a friend or a company you do business with can invite you to their Christmas gig.

And that gig can turn out to be the turning point of your career: you can get to network with company bosses in a less tense environment than you normally do at work.

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Talking to your bosses and superiors over some drinks and in the Christmas mood can really turn your career around in ways you never imagined. This presents you the coveted opportunity to slide in your request for a promotion, a pay rise, or adjustment to your work routine or roles, etcetera.

If you’re in business, a Christmas party for an organization offers you a chance to network and reach new markets ahead of the new year. You can secure some deals for your business, some loans or funds for your business, and all other signature deals that are hard to stitch up during normal days.

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But while we have highlighted the good things the Christmas season can do to your business or career, take note that it’s very easy and possible to ruin your career during the Christmas season.

Here are things to avoid when at a company party

Do not express your extreme opinions

You probably think all whites are racist against Blacks, or that Black African governments are the most corrupt leaders under the sun. Fair enough, that’s your opinion, but expressing that at a company party can leave your business reputation or career in tatters.

As a general rule, keep your views about race, politics, gender, religion, and creed to yourself when in a professional setup as this can ruin your career or business.

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For starters, you do not know the preferences of your fellow guests and the influence they have over your career or business. If they feel offended by your views on the issues highlighted above, they’re likely to take it out with you in the new year when you need them most.

Avoid getting overly drunk

People drink at parties, and many do not take offense at that. But if you take one too many and start acting weird in front of your bosses or future potential business partners, you’re likely to ruin your career or business prospects for good.

Be careful with drinks and foods, and take everything in moderation. If you’re to take to the dance floor, be careful too who you pick for the dance as choices like these might be read in a completely different light by fellow guests.

Be careful with photos and videos

Taking photos and videos is now almost a natural thing at parties, but work parties have completely different rules. Caution must be exercised always as some people do not want to appear in photos of a random partygoer.

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If you’re to snap a photo and require the consent of your bosses or even colleagues, please have the courtesy to ask first if it’s okay with them.

And even if they consent, avoid sharing their photos online with their added consent as well. Thing is, we’re in the digital age and people are particular about what part of their lives goes into in the public domain.

Show up at work the next day

Nothing infuriates your bosses more than not turning up at work because you have a hangover. More a hangover acquired from binging at a company-sponsored event.

If you attend a company Christmas gig and tomorrow is a work day, remember the moderation rule we cited above. You still need to show face at work the next day and in a sober state.

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God bless and All the best !!

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